Friday 25 February 2011

We have the starts of a web-presence!

Most of today has been spent setting up accounts on the internet.  Once my 'web-presence ideas' document got the go ahead from Melita, I was very eager to start building up an infrastructure so that we're ready to use it as soon as the project requires it.

So far we have this blog - providing an individual point of view to the development of the project, and what its like to lead a project for the first time.  Hopefully within the context of the rest of the web-presence for the project this won't just be a "navel-gazing" blog about how I feel about what I'm doing...

A facebook business page - to maintain contact with the youth group.  Its not part of the public face of the project (yet), so I'm not linking to it from here.

We also have a twitter account: @allsaintsyouth, which will be used to advertise and promote events, as well as being an archive for our Go-and-Sees, in conjunction with...

Our foursquare account: allsaintsyouthproject.  Which we can utilise to its fullest now that I have a clever new smartphone! Hooray!

I'm hoping that we'll be able to integrate twitter and foursquare into a presentable format using storify so that the timeline of our visits, and what we thought of them can be displayed on the Project Development Website.

This brings me nicely onto the next stage as far as building our web-presence goes - the website.  Unfortunately that's beyond my skills, so we'll have to wait until we can afford to have someone build us a website and make it look this space!

Today also featured the second of mine and Melita's fortnightly catch-up phonecalls, where she said lots of nice things about all the Project Planning that I was working on last week (whilst she was on half-term!), second confidence boost of the week!

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