Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Getting letters!

Following our articles in the Western Gazette and the Langport Leveller, we've had some letters concerned about our project at the church.  Whilst getting letters worrying about something you're working hard on is never fun, we can see this as a very positive thing, it shows that the people still recognise the importances of the building and are moved to make their voices heard when they are concerned about it's future.

Peter mentioned a while ago that this might happen.  Some see this sort of work as controversial - regenerating a building that once had a strong religious significance and developing a new use which may not have such a religious focus.  On top of this, our project has an added layer of breaking with tradition by being managed by 'young people'. 

All of the regeneration projects that the CCT undertake remain consecrated spaces - we don't want to alienate any particular part of a community by not allowing them to use the space that we're creating, especially when the space we're creating is for the benefit of the whole community. 

One of the aims of this project is to show that if you give young people responsibility they will rise to it - if you take responsibility away from them and tell them that its a job for grown-ups then they will lose the opportunity to learn about the building, its history, and its value to the community they're living in. As Peter once said
'As Noel Clarke once said:
"Young people ... feel that they are not spoken to but spoken at. I know that when I was a teenager, I felt totally unrepresented ... But if you do speak to them, and give them a positive choice, they take it." ' (from here)

We can also use this as an opportunity to develop a new skill - receiving and responding to letters asking you to explain yourself is difficult, but it's a transferable skill that will be useful in just about any job a young person might go on to do.

New Saints and the Churches Conservation Trust welcome feedback on the project, because it is a new venture and we want to hear what people think about it

... I wouldn't mind a few letters saying 'well done, what a great idea' though ...

New Saints Blog Statment - Paige

Name- Paige Blackwell

Why do you want to be involved in the project?- I think the project is a good opportunity for me to do something more for our community, and develop some new skills for my future. It also gives me something to focus on whilst I'm out of work.

What kind of new opportunities are you looking forward to?- I'm mostly looking forward to learning about the business development, as I would like to hold my own business some day. Also hopefully see the public enjoy our progress for the church!

How will working with the project help your future?- The project will give me vital experience that I will need for my CV. Working for a project this big, and different, will also show me other opportunities in my career. Hopefully it will give me a boost to get myself into a job.

Where would you like to take lead in the project?- I would like to always have it part as a team, but my interests are of course making the money, the arts side of things, and help organise activities for our project.

How would you like to celebrate achievements?- to celebrate I would probably want to go for a drink or get Joe to put his boat on the river!!

New Saints Blog Statement - Joe F

Joe Fosters Blog Statement for the New Saints Church Project

Why do you want to be involved in the project?

I have made myself a part of this project, as I'm fed up of having nothing to do around my local town and its the same everywhere here... All the youth dont know what to do with themselves.  I also think it would be nice to look back in the future and think I helped add something to the community despite all the people telling me it couldnt be done!!

What kind of new opportunities are you looking forward to?

At this point in time I'm not a hundred percent sure; but I am a person who likes to learn new skills and have them under my belt.  The idea of setting up a business is appealing to me, as its something I would like to do myself in the future; I'm hoping that this project will give me some ideas and skills to help me later on in life.

Do you think the project is fun and interesting? Any suggestions?

The team we have built on this project is brilliant. We are all from different backgrounds and have many different interests, its nice the way this project is already bringing people together.

How would you like to celebrate achievements?

I'd like to have a massive open day at the church. A day where me and the group could just go around and show off what we have managed to achieve.

New Saints Blog Statement - Alice

Why do I want to be involved?

I really wanted to get involved because it is a different and exciting project. Langport in previous years had many events, so now by the use of the church we can bring them back to life again. Being a young person in society I'm used to the stereotype of being a 'nuisance'.  I think its unfair that we are stuck with that. So, by the fact that we are all young and working together, we can prove to everyone else that we are still capable of doing amazing things for the community. The first time I heard of the project I was wary as I automatically thought it was religious. But the more I found out the more intrigued and keen I was to get involved. This is an amazing opportunity for us!

How will it affect my future?

This project will give me a great insight into the business I'm about to start studying at Bridgwater College - Event planning. Therefore, from the managing, accountancy and planning training i will receive will really enhance my skills. I am currently studying to be a MakeUp Artist, which is a very different route, but event planning has always been a passion. Since starting work on this project it has pursuaded me to do it alongside. I will have many opportunities to attend conferences and speak to many people I wouldnt normally be able to, in which I am grateful for. It will also look very good on my CV, the fact that I am a founder and trustee of a charity. So, the harder I work, the more beneficial for my future and the future of the project.

Do I think it is interesting?

Definitely! I've never heard of a group of young people having responsibility of regenerating a church into something completely different . The heritage organisation who are backing our project have followed out many of these fantastic projects and havbe shown that the posibilities are endless. For example St. Paul's church in Bristol, which was renovated into a Circus School. I think that the fact a Church is such an important part of English heritage and religion for many people, and we have been trusted to renovate it into something completely different is very lucky. We have so many people on board to help us, with a wide range of skills to inspire us - this really gives us so many routes we can go down.

Where would I like to take it?

It is still very early days to say exactly where I would like to take it. But, there has been many nearby music venues closing down due to funding. Langport is a very central place and we wouldn't need to worry about funding (if we work hard enough!). It would be great to regenerate the church into a music venue for all types of genres. We have already been asked if a classical concert could take place, which i feel is just the start. Somerset is a very creative part of the country and I feel that we could work alongside many local, creative organisations to make something big. But we wouldn't just have to stop with music, we could breach out to Drama performances, hiring it out for various performances, art exhibitions etc, it really is endless. I would like to see the Church having many different uses for all ages in society.

I would also like the church to be used to give other young people the same opportunities that we have.

New Saints Blog Statement - Joe W

Joe Walls

Why do you want to be involved in the project?
Personally I believe that this project will not only benefit myself and have an influence on future jobs, but I have always wanted to give something to my community.
This particular project will involve engaging with the public and exploring the possibilities of turning a huge church into a venue more sustainable for the people of Langport and to itself.
Without this opportunity, Langport will continue to have very limited things to do or see, as we have already lost a lot of the usual events that used to attract the community, for example; The Fun fair on the riverside, the firework show at Elis,
and many smaller events like Film nights and Morning / Evening get-togethers for all ages.

What kind of new opportunities are you looking forward to?

There are many opportunities that I am looking forward to, one of the main ones being running our own registered charity to aid the church and the project. This is a very powerful thing to have on your CV, as the responsibility involved, and the amount of different subjects it covers are phenomenal. Inc, Finances, Admin, Management, Being responsible for spending / Budgets. Applying for grants, and meeting demands. Holding and managing fundraising events, and keeping a log / documentary on progress, or alternatively what went wrong. Problem solving and meeting opposition.
How will working with the project help your future?

I would hope, that by working alongside my friends and peers, that after the project has been a success, then I would still have some kind of connection with the outcome. I would like to continue working with the church, and the Church Conservation Trust to ensure that the Church is maintained, the venue is still adequate for Langports' needs, and be there to assist young people in the future, to help them gain the relevant experience and prospects that I hope to receive from the project.
Where would you like to take lead in the project?

To be quite honest, I would like to run the project completely, however, being realistic I would like to learn the needed skills and collect the required experience in order to do this in the future, maybe with another project as well as this one.
Being business minded already, I believe I would be a very good asset to any role in the project.
How would you like to celebrate achievements?

To celebrate any achievements, I think it would be nice go for a pint in my local and feel proud that I have made a difference to my community.